Sunday, December 1, 2019

Keeping the Positive with 7 Reminders from Frozen

Yes, I am 40 something (almost 50!), and my kids are 16 and 18, but we still ventured out this weekend to see Frozen 2. We all saw the first one together premiere on a Disney Cruise, so my kids partly entertained me by going, but they also wanted to see it. 😉I have used one of Elsa's quotes many times since the first movie came out in 2013. "Let it go" is not only a song from the film that topped the charts, but it has been an important reminder to me when I cannot control everything--no matter how hard I try.

"Let it go." --Elsa

So, the next time someone is not so nice or causes you bad feelings, let it go. Don't hold onto it. Free yourself from the "shoulda, coulda, woulda" syndrome. If you made a mistake, let it go. Apologize, learn from it, but move on. Don't let it, yourself, or others stop you from becoming your best self.

"My love is not fragile."--Kristoff

Even in difficult times or when others do things that have a negative impact, unconditional love is not fragile. We don't stop loving when things become challenging. This is when our love is even more important--and even quite powerful--to some. I think of several of my students going through trauma. These experiences can place a lot of hardship on us, especially when these students do everything in their power to keep control and test our commitment to them. Let the bad stuff go, and let the love and care prevail. 

"You are not responsible for their choices."--Anna

This one comes in handy with the previous example. People and how they behave, act, or the choices they make do not need to affect our path to positivity. We may become tested and slip from time to time, but we do not have to let the choices of others determine our own outlook and goals.

"Fear cannot be trusted."--Elsa

We cannot let fear consume us. Fear is the biggest obstacle to trust.  Fear is the biggest obstacle to success. We cannot allow fear to stop us from trying, from trusting, from loving. A life without risk will not give us the fullest outcomes. The answer to the doubt of "what if it doesn't work out" is always, "what if it does." 

"Show Yourself. Step into your Power." --Elsa

While we may not all have "magical" powers, we do have the power to do great things in our profession and lives. We cannot make the best of ourselves or our lives if we are not putting ourselves out there and stepping up to do the work. We can only expect our students to be as innovative as our teachers, and our teachers as our leaders." How are your leading by example? 

"Some people are worth melting for." --Olaf

Education is quite the selfless profession. We give up so much of ourselves to others. We do it without asking for anything in return. The key that I have learned is making sure we take care of ourselves so we can keep on melting for others. 

"All one can do is the next right thing." --Anna

This is my favorite. We cannot lose sight of what is right by doing the next right thing. Even when times are hard, the goal is to keep moving forward: one right thing at a time. 

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