Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Positive Approaches to the Networked Principal

In the middle of my second year of administration, my husband was deployed to Afghanistan. I was left with two young children, working on a specialist degree in education leadership, continuing a fairly new principalship, and the honeymoon was over. I had my first grievance; I was wearing many district hats in addition to leading a building. Although I tried not to show it, I really didn’t think I would make it. To be perfectly honest, I probably would not have made it through that year or the nine other years of serving and leading others if it were not for my strong network of colleagues through my professional associations of Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association (MEMSPA) and National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP).

The principalship no longer needs to be a lonely, isolated island. With several opportunities to connect, engage, and contribute, the role of instructional leader can be more rewarding than ever before. No matter the location, level, or culture, similar people and resources are only a click away. It is essential to the vitality of the career to keep a close network of people to support, encourage, mentor, and challenge.  Staying connected means participating in professional associations and organizations, using social media, and committing to giving back to the profession. These are just a few ways to stay both connected and positive.  

Professional Organizations
Many state and national organizations and associations make it easy for people to connect. Conferences and workshops add in time to collaborate, network, and connect with other professionals. Many offer professional learning offerings that are sustained over time with opportunities to collaborate.  Many groups and regional subgroups have face-to-face and virtual meetings, making it even easier to connect with other principals. It is important that leaders utilize these supports and connect with others in the profession. Participation can keep members positive in times of difficulty. Taking an active part in NAESP or other professional associations is a BONUS to its membership.

NAESP is a BONUS to you!
Bucket Filler: Participating in regional, state, and national activities and networking can fill your bucket emotionally, educationally, and professionally.
Opportunity to give back: Get involved. Share your knowledge and skills. Mentor your teacher leaders; assist aspiring, new, and veteran leaders.
Networking: Make connections and use them to help support, assist, and encourage you. Connections can help you build your own capacity.
Understanding/Learning: The professional learning that these organizations provide is outstanding: up-to-date legislative updates, news, and PLNs.
Support: The membership comes with many additional supports and perks: legal advice, liability insurance, PD, expert colleagues, and many resources.

In addition to the membership benefits of an organization, social media can break down barriers to connecting with others in the profession. A networked, 21st-Century leader is using these outlets and tools.

Social Media
Many professional memberships, such as MEMSPA, are using social media to further the reach and support to principals. #MEMSPA chat Thursday nights at 8:00 p.m EST is a great way to collaborate with other principals on important, timely, and relevant topics. Following hashtags of these key organizations opens up resources, information, and professional learning. Applications like Voxer, Blogger, and Twitter can extend a leader’s reach and support. Social media is great for school and district branding; moreover, it serves as a well for leaders and educators to connect, dialogue, reflect, communicate, collaborate, be creative and think critically. These 21st-Century skills are not just for the students. All stakeholder groups need to practice, model, and develop these skills. However, it does not just stop there. Networking is a start. Mentoring, sharing, and supporting are a ways to give back to the profession.

Pay It Forward
It is critical to the success of education to share the knowledge gained from participating in networked, collaborative ways to others in the profession. Not only will leaders become more reflective in their own practices, but they can also support others at the same time. Growing from participating in a Twitter chat to moderating one is a start. Taking risks and blogging about successes (even after failure) can both inspire and encourage other leaders. Presenting at conferences, joining leadership positions at regional, state, and national levels, mentoring aspiring and new leaders, and even writing articles in leadership publications is a way to contribute.

The most important aspect of a networked principal is to be positive and lead by example. Students, teachers and staff, parents, and the community need to hear and see all of the good school leaders and educators are doing. The quote, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." by Dr Wayne Dyer is evidence that a person’s outlook can make or break his or her day and the climate of the buildings. If principals lead with more positivity, their teachers and students will be more positive. It is contagious. It needs to be the networked principal’s mission to lead positively. Negativity can only be stopped with strong positive connections, behaviors, and attitudes. It is the duty of an instructional leader to be contagious with positivity.

Being an instructional leader can be an exhausting career; however, for a networked principal, it may be challenging and difficult, but it is the best, most rewarding profession there is. #LeadPositive

Web Resources:

George Couros is an amazing speaker, blogger, and author. In this Principal of Change: Stories of Leading and Learning blog, he writes the post “Social Media for Administrators.” This is a great place to get started.

“Millennials Have Rediscovered the Benefits of Joining a Professional Organization”

Mentoring is beneficial to all.

Positivity Can Be Contagiously Rewarding: Negativity, Destroying blog with a positive, education focus.

Positive Brand Advocates for Education

As instructional leaders, principals, teachers, and school employees, we must be positive, "net promoters" of our schools and professional organizations. Public education has been the dumping ground for far too many people. As professionals, it is our duty to deflect detractors and negativity being said. People are quick to be critical of education, our schools, and our professional organizations. It is our duty as ambassadors to our students and advocates for our schools to bring to light all the amazing practices that are taking place in our schools.

We are in the business of human beings, and for most of us, these are our little human beings. In addition to teaching them content, standards, and skills needed in the modern world, we are also modeling and teaching them how to be good, empathic, contributing citizens. Furthermore, we are dealing with more trauma, mental health, and social/emotional well-being than ever before. This is no easy task, but as professionals, we face and accept this challenge. Educators work unflaggingly to accomplish these important tasks by combining and intertwining content standards and expectations, individualizing and creating authentic, relevant, and meaningful experiences. On top of this, we are working to learn about and understand each child while providing care, understanding, challenge, and holding them to high expectations. Educators wear more hats and love more people in a day than most people do in an entire year.

We cannot allow people to continue to pass judgement and taint the climate and culture of education. We all need to work to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. Are there ineffective teachers and leaders? Just as there are incompetent professionals and parents, it is the same for people working in the field of education. We don't categorize all doctors or parents as unqualified because of a few. The majority of educators does not fall into the classification of ineffective. We want to grow, develop, better ourselves and our students. What does this all mean?

We have to STOP being negative about our schools, our teachers, our leaders. We need to build bridges, not walls and support one another. We need to not give others permission to speak badly about education by adding to the negative dialogue. We need to cheer  out for our students, our staff, our teachers, and our districts. We need to bombard meetings, social media, inboxes with all of the amazing teaching and learning that is happening. We need to promote the amazing, collaborative professional learning we are experiencing and how we are applying it in our districts. Being a neutral or passive promoter is no longer enough to combat the negativity.

Speak up; share. Be an upstander for education, our professional organizations, our schools, and our teachers. Yell it, tweet it, snap it, post it. A great deal of love, care, innovation, and dedication is present in education. People are only going to know what they see and hear. What type of message are you sharing?