Saturday, September 5, 2020

#UnitedWeLead: Principals on a Mission

This past June a team of MEMSPA board members collaborated and became solution seekers and fighter starters to ignite not only a purpose but also create a movement to support our members, educators, and students of color. This group of leaders, even in the midst of COVID, worked to find ways to collect tinder and kindling to fuel a very important fire for the year. 

Through this brainstorming and planning, an event was ignited. Following all of the safety protocols and guidelines, principals came together to learn about ourselves, our biases, and how to lead and foster courageous conversations around race. Principals from around the state brought their own courage, vulnerabilities, and passions to join the mission to be and create change--to support each other and our school communities in extinguishing injustice and cultivating equity.

Through climate adversity of the cold rain and wind, hope was built on the words of our Black colleagues who inspired us through opening, mid-day, and closing remarks. We learned to get into the good and necessary trouble as Michael Johnson inspired us with John Lewis's words. We were awaken by the words of Detra Fields as she reminded us of all of the injustices that are still present to this day. Lastly, we were moved to be change agents by Jeremy Patterson as he demonstrated you can create waves with the smallest ripple.

Ripple was my word for the day, as we started out in small, masked, and socially-distanced groups/circles under tents around the MEMSPA property. I was hoping the day would create a ripple that would take leaders back to their buildings with confidence and tools to not forget about the important work we need to do even in the midst of COVID, virtual and remote learning, and other restrictions. This work cannot wait. 

The focus of the day was to provide experiences about self exploration and give a platform for having difficult, courageous, and honest conversations. We ended our day with commitments to continue this work. The heat from what we started that day is proof that #UnitedWeLead and #TogetherWeCan.