Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2019 One Word: Inspire

For the last several years, as I have really contemplated my WHY in education: why I teach and why I lead. The verb "to inspire" always comes to my mind. Whether teaching or leading, I have always been passionate about pushing not only others but myself to do our best. I am a firm believer that learning, like life, has an outcome of the input. We get out of it what we put into to it. I want the most out of learning (and life), and I want that for others as well.

It wouldn't be a new year with new goals without really thinking about who and what I want to inspire and breaking in down to fit my leadership (and life) vision.  I want to continue to inspire positivity in myself and others. I also want to inspire (and be inspired to) taking risks and trying new things in all aspects. Lastly, whether it's through mindfulness, diet/exercise, professional development, or family commitments, I want to not only be the best version of myself (it's a long road), but I also want to be a part of a movement to inspire, encourage, and support others to do the same.

The positivity goal, while not easy, is the more natural one to me. Since 2015, I have been on a mission to not only focus on the positivity but also lead and help others do the same. It doesn't mean that I do not have personal and professional setbacks or trials, but my compass dial is set on the destination. I work hard to remind myself to find the positive even in times of disappointment, discouragement, and failure. I hope to do an even better job at this, this year. It's actually quite interesting that I have learned a very valuable lesson this week while ending 2018 and entering 2019.

While trying to stay positive about our family holiday vacation to the cold and snowing Vermont for a ski trip for our son, I was forced to practice what I both preach and expect from others. To give some background, this year is our first non-tropical/Disney vacation for the holidays since the kids were pretty much born. Summer is my favorite season, and I really dislike the cold. I also enjoy a December break from it. However, my husband and more importantly, our son, loves to ski, so it's to Vermont we went. While my son has been on the slopes from 9 am to 4 pm without eating almost everyday, I have been exploring different possibilities around the resort (and mountain). Due to a ton of rain before we came in, all of their cross county trails (the only skiing that I have attempted) are closed. However, I have done both hiking and snowshoeing, and I have learned that with the proper apparel and equipment the cold is not so bad, and I have had a lot of fun. This includes seeing some amazing sites and doing some activities that I would have never tried if it weren't for this trip. We just need to have the "proper equipment" and people to be the bet version of ourselves. I hope to be that person for myself and others. To really be the best version of myself, that means being well-rounded and trying new things, and more importantly pushing myself to explore my own possibilities. There might even be some downhill ski lessons in my future....maybe. 

Being the best version of ourselves can mean a lot of things. For me personally it's about my health and well being, but it's also about the roles that I play. While I will continue to work on my health and fitness, I want to really work on my relationship fitness this year. This includes my family since those members (my husband, children, parents, and sister and her children) have suffered the most while I have worked on my professional learning, career development, and work fitness. While trying to take better care of those who have been my support network, I will work to encourage others around me to do the same. We cannot be the best versions of ourselves if we are not fully focused on the relationships of those who love us the most.

I hope 2019 is a year that inspires everyone to be and do better. That's my personal vision for 2019. 

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