Thursday, July 13, 2017

Positive Takeaways from #NPC17

As the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) state representative for Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association (MEMSPA), I was fortunate enough to attend the combined principal conference in Philadelphia this month. The three main themes from my learning that resonated with me the most are relationships, empowerment, and mindfulness.
Media preview
NPC17 in Philadelphia
So many speakers confirmed the importance of relationships. Michael Schmoker referenced Hattie's work and a key focus is teacher-student relationships (.5-.7 effect size). Relationships with students, parents, community members, our teachers, and other administrators are crucial to school success. Kevin Carroll highlights the importance of play and the connections we make through it. We can build relationships through appreciation. Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf gave several strategies and tips to demonstrate appreciation. Several other presenters combined the importance of relationships with their topics. Christian Moore, Founder of "Why Try" stated that lasting change and motivation for youth involves relationships. "Relationships+Relevance = Resilience." One important aspect of positive and healthy relationships involves empowering those people to become the best versions of themselves.

In addition to the empower messages at the conference, I read the book Empower by John Spencer and A.J. Juliani on the trip to and from Philly. The messages around this theme support my district's teacher growth model (Danielson's "distinguished") to push our practices to be more student-centered approaches. I totally recommend this book!

In addition to the book, several speakers and presenters touched on the importance of empowering stakeholders in our schools and districts: teachers, students, and even our parents. We need to empower students by putting them in charge of their learning. We also need to empower teachers with the support and freedom to make this possible. The more growth people experience, the more they are empowered.

Christian Moore, shared powerful messages and tips for motivating students and teaching resilience.  He states, "Resilience is the greatest equalizer--It transcends race, gender, culture, socio-economic status...and literally an other aspect of your environment."

"In teaching, you can't do the BLOOM stuff until you take care of the MASLOW stuff." -Beck

Sherry Turkle reminded us to work on social skills and being present. Carla Tantillo (Mindful Practices) models how to integrate social-emotional learning and promoting mindfulness with easy to use strategies.  (Check out her books.) Mindful practices will helps us to build resilience, growth, decrease stress, and help us to slow down and in turn be more productive.

We need to take care of self, so we can take care of our staff, and support and take care of our students. It's a collaborative, team effort to teach, love, and inspire our children. Thank you #NPC17 for reminding me of the importance of relationships, empowerment, mindfulness, and much more.

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