Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Positive Brand Advocates for Education

As instructional leaders, principals, teachers, and school employees, we must be positive, "net promoters" of our schools and professional organizations. Public education has been the dumping ground for far too many people. As professionals, it is our duty to deflect detractors and negativity being said. People are quick to be critical of education, our schools, and our professional organizations. It is our duty as ambassadors to our students and advocates for our schools to bring to light all the amazing practices that are taking place in our schools.

We are in the business of human beings, and for most of us, these are our little human beings. In addition to teaching them content, standards, and skills needed in the modern world, we are also modeling and teaching them how to be good, empathic, contributing citizens. Furthermore, we are dealing with more trauma, mental health, and social/emotional well-being than ever before. This is no easy task, but as professionals, we face and accept this challenge. Educators work unflaggingly to accomplish these important tasks by combining and intertwining content standards and expectations, individualizing and creating authentic, relevant, and meaningful experiences. On top of this, we are working to learn about and understand each child while providing care, understanding, challenge, and holding them to high expectations. Educators wear more hats and love more people in a day than most people do in an entire year.

We cannot allow people to continue to pass judgement and taint the climate and culture of education. We all need to work to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem. Are there ineffective teachers and leaders? Just as there are incompetent professionals and parents, it is the same for people working in the field of education. We don't categorize all doctors or parents as unqualified because of a few. The majority of educators does not fall into the classification of ineffective. We want to grow, develop, better ourselves and our students. What does this all mean?

We have to STOP being negative about our schools, our teachers, our leaders. We need to build bridges, not walls and support one another. We need to not give others permission to speak badly about education by adding to the negative dialogue. We need to cheer  out for our students, our staff, our teachers, and our districts. We need to bombard meetings, social media, inboxes with all of the amazing teaching and learning that is happening. We need to promote the amazing, collaborative professional learning we are experiencing and how we are applying it in our districts. Being a neutral or passive promoter is no longer enough to combat the negativity.

Speak up; share. Be an upstander for education, our professional organizations, our schools, and our teachers. Yell it, tweet it, snap it, post it. A great deal of love, care, innovation, and dedication is present in education. People are only going to know what they see and hear. What type of message are you sharing?


  1. We are in the business of human beings, and for most of us, these are our little human beings....what a powerful message! Thanks for sharing the information!
