Sunday, November 8, 2015

Change: The Outcome Depends on the Outlook

I have always felt that I have embraced change. I loved teaching the short book Who Moved My Cheese? to seniors in high school. A lot of what I tried to encourage students fits with the growth mindset: taking risks, knowing failure is OK when it's used to grow, learning that we can improve with a strong work ethic and commitment, etc. I took a risk to move out of state, try something new, and most recently leave a job and people that I really cared about to try and challenge myself for both personal and professional growth in a new place.

As educational leaders, it is important that we continue to grow, model taking risks, learning from failure, and above all support our staff and students to do the same. In my career I have seen a lot of educators faced with change. A great deal of these changes are sometimes placed upon us verses a choice. However, I have learned that regardless of it being chosen or directed, ones outlook and reaction (as with Hem and Haw from Who Moved My Cheese), can be the difference in reaching ones cheese or goal.

Resistance to, refusal of, and/or fighting the sometimes inevitable, can consume someone with hate, anger, or even fear. Sometimes, it is best to understand that every change is an opportunity to grow, heal, or help others.

Next time you are faced with a difficult decision, challenge, or change, try to embrace it, view it as an opportunity, and try to get something out of it. Know that with the right attitude, support, and work ethic, things will have a much better chance of working out for you.


  1. Excellent post Shanna! With as much change as we face in the world of education today we MUST treat changes as opportunities for growth. Thanks for the reminder!

