Friday, March 14, 2014

What are we modeling on social media?

I am not being negative. I am trying point out that people need to do the same. I am growing very concerned with how many people use social media to spread negativity about public education. If someone has a concern, get the entire story before airing opinions that may not even exist if he/she has all the details. Once it's out there, it takes 10 times more positive comments to undo the harm. If you have talked to the proper people and have the sides of all parties involved then air the dirt. Our public educators and leaders have more on their plates than ever before with far less respect than the profession has ever had and deserve the the opportunity to explain why certain decisions are made. Our youth, educators, and the institution need our support, and we can do that by spreading all the successes we have witnessed. Do your part and post about an amazing educator. Many are devoting their lives to our children.  The world would be a better place if we start focusing on positivity.

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