I am a work in progress. I aspire to be the best version of myself.
My #oneword2018 was humanity, and while I worked to model selflessness, compassion, and kindness, I feel as though I can always work harder in this area. Charity work is not the only component of humanity. Empathy, acceptance, compassion, and grace are all key elements. I only hope that others feel that I model these on a continued basis.
Last year, my #oneword2019 was to inspire both myself and others to be the best versions of ourselves--especially through the power of relationships. I worked hard to push myself to explore my possibilities and am really proud of not only my own accomplishments but those of my family and friends. There were so many inspiring accomplishments in 2019!
This year, choosing my #oneword2020 was even harder as I reflected on the past two years. Several words came to mind, but I also used my future to help guide my choice. It is my goal in the next 2 years to advance my career to the district level. In preparing for that, I will be taking on a year-long, blended learning aspiring superintendent's academy. I will also continue to lead mentor trainings, and I am very excited to be working with NAESP (National Association of Elementary [and Middle] School Principals) and HDE (Hawaii Department of Education) to do my first National Mentor Training of the year this February. The last part of my professional growth goal, and most important, rests with my staff and students as we continue to make Milan Middle School a place where relationships matter, character counts, and people are empowered to be the best versions of themselves. My work is to help teachers, paras, and other staff make MMS the best place for our students by pushing us to all to grow. This year, we have learned that our work starts with making sure students are cared for and have their basic needs met. While this is a huge challenge, if anyone can do it, I know the amazing team at MMS can do it. We will do it together.
Personally, I hope to grow as well. I want be be healthier, and I want to be a better friend and family member as well as a better and kinder person to my self. I am not as good as extending grace, kindness, and forgiveness to myself as I am to others, and I am going to grow in this area as well. Self love is key as it is something that we model to others. I am so grateful to the many mentors, friends, and family that have been examples of amazing people who continue to make my growth and development possible. Continuing to have these cheerleaders, supporters, critiques, and mentors in my life will be key to my work this year as I grow. I am thankful to my supportive family members, my MEMSPA family, my MMS family, and all of my colleagues and friends who continue to inspire my to become the best version of myself.