My mind has been nonstop! The annual MEMSPA conference with the theme of Lead Positive was a megahit and has been my favorite one so far! The MEMSPA executive office and conference planning committee delivered an outstanding 3 days of professional learning, connecting, and inspiration.
All of the keynote speakers inspired us to be champions for our students and staff: Sean Covey, Paul Liabenow, Shelia Alles, Kim Campbell, and Jimmy Casas. Sean Covey reminded me to focus on the "wildly important" and focus on the lead measures to get us there. Paul Liabenow reminds us to lead with heart, and he models just that. Kim Campbell had me laughing and reminded me of the importance to laugh with our students and to never give up on them. We need to share our stories and our lives with our staff and students. We have to lead joyfully and laugh to survive. We have to get our students moving and challenge their thinking. All of these are great messages and reminders. The last keynote, Jimmy Casas, resonated with me the most this year.
Engaged in Jimmy's words, I laughed a lot, but I cried as well. He is so right; being a school leader is a difficult job. It is so rewarding, but it is extremely taxing on us personally. It is because of the people in my life and more importantly my family, that I have even made it to where I am and to still be here standing 13 years later; however, I was reminded that I cannot do this work at their or my expense. The past is now the past. I cannot change the fact that I wish that I were a better leader, or importantly, that I wish I were a better wife or mother. My husband and children have sacrificed a lot as I have tried to become the leader I feel my students and staff deserve. They deserve my best and full self as well. This is my personal goal for 2019 and beyond: be a better family member. I know that I can do just that because of all of the wonderful professionals and staff that I have around me in Milan and the state.
Casas's keynote was a great reminder that we need to capitalize on all of the people around us to do this difficult, but amazing work together. We need to remember our purpose and our core principles. The way we create excellence is to live it. We need to build a community of excellence to help get the work done.
My four core center around my leadership vision to do the following:
1) Lead with Positivity (#LeadPositive)
2) Inspire Greatness (Inspire others to be great)
3) Love, Laugh, and Learn
4) Hold High Expectations (Never expect more than I personally give).
In addition, I learned from several amazing breakout sessions too! Derek Wheaton gave me tools and reminders to help win over and support our next generations of leaders. David Simpson demonstrated how to hack deeper learning at the middle level. Jonathon Wennstrom inspired me to leave no teacher behind with a toolbox to support a variety of types, and Allyson Apsey reaffirmed our work to make sure we are telling the positive stories of our schools.
Presenting two sessions this year was a lot of fun, and I so enjoyed teaming up with Kimberly Gillow to speak about building and supporting positive team collaboration. I also felt privileged to share the positive work we do at #PowerUpMMS.
Connecting with my Leadership Matters cohort at the reception was nice and collecting toys for the Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan's Farmington Hills and Grand Rapids locations was a rewarding way to give back. Our region enjoyed a dinner together, and it was great to catch up with friends we have made over the last 10 years. As always the leadership banquet is one of my favorite highlights from the conference; all of the region nominations and the state winner are such an inspiration. I am inspired to be a better leader--mom and wife too! Thank you MEMSPA!