Sunday, December 10, 2017

#MEMSPA17 Takeaways: Whole Leader Theme Delivered

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MEMSPA's 92nd Annual Conference
The MEMSPA Annual Conference is one of my favorite professional learning experiences! I am grateful to have the opportunity to serve on the board and attend this event. I always look forward to seeing colleagues, making new connections, and this year officially taking on a mentoring role. This year's theme was the Whole Leader, and MEMSPA delivered on this with all of the PD offerings.

For the first time, @donistamour created #MEMESPAconnects, a mentoring program for new principals in the association. It is exciting to be matched up with new principals and offer support. I am looking forward to the opportunity to give back, for it was my MEMSPA connections that helped me stay in administration, still loving it in my 12th year. The first morning of the conference, I got to meet one of my mentees and recruited another. I am looking forward to our book chats, monthly check-ins, and offering any support and guidance needed. Most importantly, to remind them that you should never stop learning and connecting with others.
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Mentee MEMSPA Swag (Scholastic)

The learning from the first session with Dr. Constantino was powerful. We need to create cultures in our buildings that believe family engagement is good. This means evolving from events to actual daily engagement. I look forward to continuing this discussion and cultivating innovative means to foster such engagement. Concurrent sessions supported this culture with collaboration initiatives with staff and ways to build and maintain relationships.

The second day at the President's breakfast, the general keynote speaker, Jan McInnis, presented on the importance of laughter! Many benefits to using laughter exist. Besides the health and relationship benefits, she spoke on the importance of using laughter to get through difficult times. This is such an important lesson--and a necessity to get through a career in education. We, especially as leaders, cannot take ourselves too seriously.

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Gilpin and Butler's Session
I went to several breakout sessions, learning about relationships, technology, RTI, and more, but the session that resonated with me the most was with @benjamingilpin and @danpbutler on cultivating relationships. It is so important to build up our teacher leaders. Ben and @Jon_Wennstrom (in another session) both echoed the importance of relationships and relationship building. Having specific ideas and approaches are always helpful, and these two sessions were full of proven approaches.
In the last general session with motivational speaker, Jim Mahoney, we were reminded, "You get what you give." Other meaningful advice included: "You can't teach the whole child unless you are the whole teacher/leader." "Feedback is the breakfast of champions." Culture trumps strategy, every time, and we can always do more and better with collaboration.
Job-Embedded Session

In addition to all of the great sessions, I was able to support the first Spotlight on Innovation and colleagues who have become great friends over the years. I also was able to present on the topic of job-embedded practices that my own teachers have made successful with both coaching and instructional rounds and our #ReadingMatters campaign and initiatives with my students from our Pages with the Principal The One and Only Ivan booktalk. The best part of the entire conference was recognizing outstanding region principals and seeing a well-deserving and long-time MEMSPA colleague and friend named MEMSPA's Outstanding Practicing Principal of the Year. Congrats to Craig McCalla; you are so very deserving! 

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Colleagues, President Patterson and Past-President DeGraff (left) and Region 2 Principals (right)