What kind of role model would I be if I didn't advocate for my students, staff, and my and others' livelihoods? While I try to stay positive and hopeful, I cannot stay quiet or passive. This is why I use my voice; this is why I advocate. This is why I march, speak up, and contact/visit legislatures. Others need to step up--stand up for right. Don't expect someone else to do it. We need make progress, be unified and grow, not isolate, hate, or teach fear.
If I want to grow and make decisions that are in the best interest of my students, my staff, and the surrounding community, I have to be aware off all stakeholders. I cannot refuse to meet with someone because they disagree with me. I can't ban people from information and decisions.
I ask our President, his cabinet, and staff to abide by these same standards. I ask our President to make educated, well-thought-out decisions. I ask that he surround himself with leaders who share diverse and expert knowledge. Why can he decide who has access to important information? Why can the secretary of education refuse to meet with people and organizations who opposed her confirmation? This is unacceptable!
Our President and his staff are making decisions that effect my and others' livelihoods. Decisions that could send my husband to war should not be made so irresponsibly. Decisions to band people from our county set us back and teach fear and hate. This goes against the very foundation of America. Decisions that put inexperienced people in important education positions, effect the numerous supports for America's students and the climate of the very important educators who give that care, knowledge, and support to our youth.
I once thought I could stay positive; that our system would not allow one man to undo all we have done. However, I see hate, power, and money guiding our destiny. This means that I cannot stand by silently. I will continue to advocate. I will continue to have a voice. I will continue to be an up-stander. This is what we teach our children. Don't stand back and allow others to be mean, hateful, or bully others. As adults, we should not sit back either. This charge cannot be done alone. We cannot stand by hoping things will get better.
If they won't listen, we need to speak louder. If they will not meet with us, we keep requesting. If they hate, we love. This is not about Democrats or Republicans. It's so much more than that. This is about truly representing our Nation, our people--all of our people. This is about making America better. That cannot be done with the current climate. Let's change that. Be an up-stander for American, education, and our children. Keep contacting your legislatures. #LeadPositive