I am excited that this year has been one of the most rewarding years of my career so far. I have had several opportunities to grow professionally. It has been far from easy, but I have had the opportunity to work with a fantastic group of dedicated and talented teachers. In addition, I have completed my year as MEMSPA President and have benefited tremendously from the support, professional learning, and networking the organization has given me. Lastly, I have made my way back into the classroom, teaching graduate classes in educational leadership with Concordia University.
There are years that I find it hard to believe that principals are leaving the profession after 3-5 years, and to be perfectly honest, I have had a year or two where I wondered if I were going to make it. In my entire ten years as a middle school principal, I have learned that is mostly outside influences that make it the most difficult. For me, it has never been about the students and rarely about upset parents or staff. The most difficult years have been when legislature makes decisions that project hardships on stakeholders. Those effects were even more difficult than leading a building through my husband's deployment. Negativity can really affect the morale and building climate.
However, "mind over matter," "...make lemonade," and most importantly, "#leadpositive" got me through even the most difficult of times. Taking a positive mindset and combining that with the personal passion to grow and help others do the same combats adversity.
Starting a new year or a first year especially, is never easy. Learning about all the stakeholders takes more than a year. An education profession is never ending, but it is even more difficult when you are learning a new culture, establishing climate, and figuring out your own identity within the organization. Building trust is vital and takes time. Fostering collaboration is essential to growing as professionals. Most importantly, establishing ways to build achievement and growth within your staff and students as well as yourself takes a collective mix of perspective, honesty, and open-mindedness.
I have learned a great deal from my new position and district. While bringing in my own skillset, I have also learned a great deal from my staff. This has been my first year with standard-based grading and PBIS--two initiatives that have such a tremendous influence on educating students. I have been a part of team collaboration. It is so amazing what groups of teachers can do together, and everyone benefits from that work. My administrative colleagues have been supportive, provided coaching, and made me feel a part of this amazing team that is founded on tradition and focused on excellent. To top it all off, the students are at the heart. The smiling faces, the willingness to learn from mistakes, the innovative, caring application put into their education is truly the fuel to my passion. Serving my new school has been rewarding, and I am fortunate enough to have that compounded with serving my professional organization.
My loyalty to and admiration for MEMSPA started ten years ago when I took on my first principalship. Four years ago, getting involved at the state level confirmed all that the association has to offer. This has been a great year, spreading the #LeadPositive message and encouraging principals to not only stay and lead positive but to also share the positive word, happenings, and accomplishments within their buildings. Serving and representing principals around the state has been a truly rewarding experience. MEMSPA is a huge support to me and my profession. It has been equally rewarding by stepping back into the classroom.
I have broadened my skillset as well as gained an increased appreciation for teaching in the present times. Doing both an online and face-to-face class this year has diversified my pedagogy. In addition, I am driven to stay current on the topics of my classes: leadership, professional development, evaluation, and supervision.
I have been truly blessed this year with all of the opportunities I have had and the people with which I have had the pleasure to meet and work. None of this would be possible if it weren't for my supportive and encouraging husband and understanding children. The 2015-16 school year has been a rewarding year. I can't wait to see what 2016-17 has in store!