Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Being Positive Starts with Having Gratitude

I am so very thankful for the opportunity that I had this year by taking on a new leadership position. The people I work with and serve are incredible professionals with so much dedication and care. I have been inspired by all of their work and innovation. The culture is contagious with care and a common goal of helping students become better students and people.

I have found that when I remember all that I have to be grateful for in life, it helps keep me on the road to positivity. It doesn't matter what people do for a living; hardships (personal, professional, or even both) always exists. Some careers can be very demanding especially when roadblocks are put up to prevent you from doing what you feel is best (especially for our youth). However, the best thing we can do for others is to model healthy ways to overcome adversity. Here are just a few strategies I use to stay on the positive tracks and keep from running out of gas.

1) Gratitude: Count your blessings. Appreciate all you have. Share with others for whom you are grateful. Let people know you appreciate them; they will do the same. Keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself all you have to be grateful for in work and life.

2) Fill Your Bucket: This notion has two parts. First, your perception to keep it half or more full. Don't focus on half empty, only half full. Second, find ways to fill your bucket. This is different for everyone: family time, exercise, hobby, church/organizations, volunteer work, etc. Find something that makes you happy, and make time for it.

3) Network and Collaborate: Do not create an island of negativity or sit still with an empty tank. In this day and age, others are out there to help you through it--either in person and/or virtually. My best professional support this past year has come from association (MEMSPA) contacts and an out-of-state collaboration buddy who was also a middle level principal. We supported one another through difficult climate issues, book studies, and inspired each other to not settle--to keep growing. If you are a principal and need a collaborative buddy, let me know. It is a goal of MEMSPA this year to keep you connected for mentoring,  coaching, or even just a little support.

You can't be positive or stay positive without having gratitude. Thank someone today!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Being and Modeling Positivity: Making the World a Better Place

“Hate. It has caused a lot of problems in this world but has not solved one yet.” – Maya Angelou

Hate is a strong emotion, and hating takes up way too much energy. People make mistakes; it is how we grow, get better, and make the world better. However, some people want to hold on to that poison of hate or failure. When one holds on to such emotions, it can take over our mood, reasoning, purpose, and actions. It is not healthy to hold on to so much negative energy. When we do, many times it has nothing to do with the other person or incident. So much of it has to do with ourselves. Establishing healthy ways to let go of negativity is the best way to stay on the positivity journey. It is never too late to begin the path of a positive outlook and approach. Whether we need a reminder or help getting started, it all starts with loving ourselves enough to realize we are worth happiness and can create happiness in others. We must surround ourselves with opportunities to cancel out the negative in the world. As educators, we need to model kindness, love, acceptance, and overcoming difficult situations. Children learn from our actions more than our words. 

“The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking.” – Robert H Schuller
1) Outlook: do not be the person who finds a problem for every solution. Realize that things happen for a reason. Yes, bad things happen to good people, but dwelling on it or letting pain or sadness hold a permanent spot in your heart is not the answer. Decide now that you will not let negative thoughts or people get you down. 

"Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher." -- Oprah Winfrey   
2) People: Surround yourself with people who support you and your outlook on life. Negative people are downers and will only bring you down. Find people who lift your spirits, appreciate you and your talents, and help you though the difficult times. Work to see the good in people. Work even harder to demonstrate your own goodness. 

“The past has no power over the present moment.” – Eckhart Tolle
3) Letting Go: The past is the past. Let it go. If someone did something or something bad happened, why give it the power to consume you? Put an end to the sadness, revenge, hate, etc. by deciding that the energy it is taking is not worth it. It is not worth your attention or life. Focus on new beginnings and a better purpose. 

“If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining.” – Guy Finley
4) Fuel the Spark: Find methods that keep you on the positive path. Take care of your spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental self. Keep your bucket full. Find something you enjoy, and do it daily to help replenish your mind, body, and spirit.  

There are always going to be people who are hurtful and negative. If you can help them change their path, great. However, the healing needs to begin from within. You will be surprised how much better it feels to deciding to live a more positive life and refusing to let others define your existence. Stay positive, continue to feed your life with positivity, and have a positive influence on those you surround. Let's all do our parts to keep the world a better place. #BeHappy #LeadPositive #NoPlace4Hate