Lead Positive! |
This month I undertake the role of Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association President. I am so honored to be serving principals in the state of Michigan. MEMSPA has been a huge support to me over the past nine years. The connections, networking, professional learning, and opportunities have been extremely beneficial to me both personally and professionally. My goal in this year of both leadership and service is to remind you throughout the year to focus on positivity. As the leader of our buildings, students, and staff, we must bring back validation to the profession, teaching, and education. We can do that by being positive ambassadors for education. This year, I will use the theme "Lead Positive" as a reminder to be positive and model positivity.
The quote, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." by Dr Wayne Dyer is evidence that our outlook can make or break our day and the climate of our building. I will add to this. If we lead with more positivity, our teachers and students will be more positive. It is contagious. This year, I encourage you all to try to find a means to stay positive. Many benefits exist for people who are positive thinkers. Mayo Clinic reports that benefits include increased life span, lower rates of depression, greater resistance to illness, and better coping skills during hardships and times of stress. Use something or someone to help remind you to stay positive; you might use a piece of jewelry as a reminder, daily meditation, a secretary to keep you on track, or even a rubber band to help stop negative thoughts or comments and to try and change that negative thought, feeling, or comment into a more positive outlook. Smile more, have fun, laugh, and connect with staff and students. In addition to being positive this year, use the resources MEMSPA offers.

Use the value of your MEMSPA membership and connections to assist you in having a successful year. The MEMSPA membership is such a "BONUS" to us. Please use it.
Don't underestimate the people you will meet at MEMSPA events. I have learned a great deal from all my MEMSPA colleagues. I am so grateful to principals who give back to the profession and others. While countless principals give back, I would like to give special appreciation and validation to several individuals who have given back to MEMSPA and the profession.
Mike Domagalski: Thank you for initiating and leading MEMSPAchat! I have enjoyed sharing and learning with colleague not only around the state but also across the country.
Ben Gilpin: Thank you for all your sharing about school branding and technology integration at the regional, state, and national levels.
Jonathon Wennstrom: Thank you for your blogging and providing insights on taking risks in leadership.
You do not need to be on the Board to give back. Get involved and help be a part of the solution.
I look forward to serving you all this year. We have been working to put together a great summer institute. It is not too late to bring an administrative team to learn, network, do some strategic planning, and rejuvenate before the students are back. We also have a great line up for the state conference this December in Kalamazoo. Take time to read your MEMSPA news and updates. Follow @MEMSPA on Twitter or do a #MEMSPAchat, and get involved. I guarantee you that you will only grow and benefit more from it.
Lead Positive,