Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Positive Power Perseveres

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Dr. Wayne Dyer

I have decided that I want more positivity in my life. Just by making that decision, positivity perseveres. As Dr. Dyer's quote suggests, we have the power to change our outlook and view of people, places, and things. One cannot do away with negativity completely. Being in education, I am faced with it trying to enter my positive bubble force on a daily basis, but choosing not to let it consume me has made both my professional and personal life better. Being an administrator means that I cannot make everyone happy. My mother, one of the most selfless, caring, and supportive human beings on this earth, reminded me when I first took the principalship to remember that if I made everyone happy that I wouldn't be doing my job or a good one at that. 

Staying positive means being grounded in something important. While many grounding features keep my life in check, my professional grounding comes from the students. Working with adolescents with one foot in the child world and the other in the adult word is a fascinating time of watching them learn more about who they are and what they want to become. Modeling positive attitudes and perseverance is important for their successful and happy lives as well. Deflecting negativity is not as difficult when I have student interests grounded in decision making.

Here are words of encouragement to make sure you stay positive:

1) Make a conscious decision to focus on positivity. Share that decision with others. If others around you are being negative, tell them that you choose to stay positive. Change or leave the conversation. Too many parts of our day are uncontrollable. We can only control what we do and how we respond to others.

2) Ground yourself. Whether it is spiritual, personal, or even justification on why you are doing what you do, have something that keeps you focused on what is important. It is easier to stay positive when you are fighting for what you believe is essential.

3) Count your blessings. It is easier to stay positive when you take each day to remember for what you are grateful. Try a gratitude journal and document five things each day that you have in your life.

4) Be contagious. Get others to join you in being positive. It only takes a matter of seconds for someone to bring your mood down. Do not let that happen. Make it your mission to change their attitude. If you can't change their mind, get out before their virus of negativity spreads.

5) Laugh More. It's easier to stay positive when you are happy. Surround yourself with funny people. Participate in fun events. Create fun meetings or activities for those around you. Laughing lowers stress and keeps your happy. Read the comics, follow funny Twitter quotes, etc. Try one of these:15 Funniest People on Twitter that Keep It Clean." Surround yourself with happiness. 

Make the decision now. You have the power to make sure positivity perseveres in and around you!