First, it is exciting to have many of our initiatives and leadership roles being streamlined. For the first time in years, it feels like we are working smarter and not harder. Our main district initiatives are focused on student achievement through technology integration, curriculum mapping, and data to drive instruction which are all a part of the teacher evaluation systems AND supported by thoughtful professional development. This sets the framework for a successful year.
Second, the right, qualified staff members are falling into place. Starting the year out with three staff members down was a challenge, but I am very excited about the people we have to fill those positions. The building feels ready to tackle the new school year and make the best of it.
Third, staff and students are back with smiling faces. Being happy, having fun, and laughing are all key to being positive and in turn having a successful, rewarding school year. I will continue several initiatives and create new ones to continue to foster a culture of happy, positive employees and students.
- We will continue our "Caught Being Good" student program where teachers submit student names for being good. We recognize them on the PA system and give students a prize.
- We will continue our "Golden Apple Award" for staff who are team players and go above expectations for our students.
- We will continue our "Successory Program" where students submit slips for staff who have helped make them more successful.
- I will pass out positivity cards with personal notes of appreciation.
- I will send home postcards to students who stand out.
- I will encourage staff and students to laugh, enjoy education, and have fun.
- I will model positivity to all.
Here's hoping all those in the field of education have a positive and successful 2014-15 school year!