Monday, October 10, 2016

8 Positive Approaches for Both Child and Adult Learners

Learner-centered approaches are important to making learning meaningful, engaging, and personal.

Whether a teacher, leader, or student, learning needs to involve several approaches. For me professionally, the learning that I have been involved in has been more valuable when these 8 approaches are used.

With Twitter, MEMSPA (Michigan Elementary and Middle School Principals Association), my professional association, and now the #IMMOC, I have been exposed to several of approaches Couros recommends.

Voice: EdCamps, Twitter Chats, and interactive sessions have given me the opportunity to use and have voice. I can learn from others and share that learning. While this is a responsibility of the participant and I am more willing than many to share, a good facilitator will give all participants a chance to express, connect, and voice his/her learning.

Choice-Based PD and Learning: Having choice both personalizes and gives participants the chance to develop skills that are needed. I can search these out on Twitter and join chats to help me develop my areas of weakness. I also attend sessions at conferences that will fit my needs.

Reflection: Not only personal reflection is important, but reflective dialogue with others will have more of an impact on creating the change we seek. The  #IMMOOC has been some of the best PD to allow this. Reading other blogs and comments on my own is a constant cycle of reflecting, learning, connecting, and analysis. Twitter chats and many sessions that I have been to have now built this in. I love when there's an accountability piece (to myself and others).

Innovation: I tend to pick sessions that will enhance my knowledge and push innovation. #IMMOOC has been both a challenge and fun. Blogging out of my normal scope, sharing and reflecting out to a community, and most importantly being exposed to so much innovation and creativity of the #IMMOOC and #InnovatorsMindset community. MEMSPA has also worked to create learning beyond the traditional approaches. I love Thursday night #MEMSPAchats!

Critical Thinking/Problem Solving:This is one where my graduate classes at #EMU have been top notch. Inquiry-based and problem-based projects that extend over a course of learning with personal connections can be very rewarding. This is more difficult in shorter stints, but it can be done. I would like to see more challenges given to us adult learners that would force us to both collaborate and combine resources.#IMMOOC has done this by asking up to do both new types of reflections and getting involved in other participants learning.

Self-Assessment: This is lacking too unless we force ourselves to do it and do it often. I was fortunate that this was a part of my coursework and continues to be embedded in my professional evaluation. I used self-reflection and also reflect on 360 data which includes perception data of all stakeholders.

Connected Learning: MEMSPA, Twitter, #IMMOOC have all been connected learning. I am learning beyond my building, my district, and my state. I have been in touch with experts like +George Couros, @bengilpin,  @MrDomagalski, @Toddwhitaker, and many, many others.  We need to do the same for our students.

Bottom Line: You get out of learning what you put into it. Helping our students have more intrinsic desire to get more will be boosted when we use more learner-centered approaches like the "8 Look Fors" by Couros.

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